Raba, tarot card-style

Raba is a character I’m playing in a Dragon Age-themed TTRPG currently. He’s a healer mage from Tevinter who decided to flee his cushy life at home because his parents didn’t allow him to marry the tall and handsome guardswoman – a laethan should marry a laethan (or better)..! Raba feels heartbroken though and decides to leave for adventure – something he eventually might regret though.

However, an altus lady named Philippa is smitten by the short man, but her way of showing appreciation hasn’t been very smooth – Raba believes Philippa just want to bully him and eventually gets very surprised when the tall & handsome mage actually confesses her feeling for him.

Some illustrations I did earlier this year. I’ve been on a journey to find a more painterly style this year. These are also drawn to kinda look like tarot cards.






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